The Simple Post-Workout Smoothie Formula

Greenletes / Sports Nutrition / The Simple Post-Workout Smoothie Formula

Last updated on June 9th, 2021 at 07:55 am

It’s been drilled into your brain that “you must fuel for a workout”. Since you care about your athletic performance, you give your body the nutrients it needs to power the toughest of workouts. But what many people often overlook is that ‘fueling’ also means getting the right nutrients after a workout!

Muscles have a recovery period of about 30 minutes to an hour after physical activity, during which they need the right mix of nutrients to repair and recover for tomorrow’s workout. That nutrient combination is carbs to replace those that were used during exercise, protein to help your muscles rebuild, and extra nutrients, such as antioxidants.

You may be thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah…The last thing I want to do after a 10-mile run or 30-mile bike is prepare a meal.” That’s why smoothies are an awesome post-workout option, since they have everything your muscles need in one glass. This simple smoothie formula provides 15 grams of protein with the right mix of your own favorite ingredients every time!

I’m making it super easy for you with this step-by-step video and infographic. Now you have no excuse to not refuel!

Infographic: Post-workout smoothie formula. #smoothie #refuel #workout #protein

1 Comment

  1. Pete

    Love the video and thanks for an easy recipe for after a workout. I’m looking forward to trying it next time after tennis


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I’m Natalie Rizzo, an NYC-based Registered Dietitian.

My mission is to help everyday athletes fuel their fitness with plants.

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