Recipe ReDux: Papaya Parfait

Greenletes / Recipes / Recipe ReDux: Papaya Parfait

Last updated on February 28th, 2021 at 10:23 am

Although it’s the end of August and summer is on the way out, the weather in NYC begs to differ. The extreme heat makes me feel like I live on a tropical island, rather than a city, which is perfect for this month’s Recipe ReDux challenge:

“Think about a trip you took and create a healthy recipe from an unforgettable meal you enjoyed.” 

Well, this weather reminds me of a recent trip to Costa Rica, where the temperature was always above 90 degree Fahrenheit (in January). Whenever the temps are high, I crave fruit, and Costa Rica did not disappoint in the produce department.

Papaya Parfait

Each morning, Bill and I went to the same cafe to have a delicious tropical breakfast on the beach. A true creature of habit, I ordered the same thing every morning: a yogurt, fruit and granola parfait. It had super sweet tropical fruit, like pineapple, mango and papaya. Before that trip, I had only had papaya a handful of times, but eating it every morning made me fall in love with this juicy tropical fruit.

This Papaya Parfait is one of my easiest recipes yet because instead of cooking, you are just assembling ingredients.  And, it delivers on a variety of flavors. The sweetness of the papaya and shredded coconut counteract the tangy Greek yogurt. The addition of crunchy granola and shredded coconut add a bit of texture to the parfait. Plus, this dish is packed with protein and vitamins, to start your morning off right. Take a trip to Costa Rica any time of the day with this Papaya Parfait.

papaya and yogurt

Makes 1 parfait
1 cup papaya, peeled and chopped
1 small vanilla Greek yogurt (I used Siggi’s)
1/4 cup Granola (I used Viki’s granola, but feel free to make your own)
1 teaspoon unsweetened shredded coconut

papaya parfair

Assemble the parfait by layering the papaya and yogurt in as many layers as you like (I did two layers). Top with granola and coconut.

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  1. Courtney's Cookbook

    I never seem to eat much papaya, which is silly– it’s so delicious, and this looks absolutely heavenly. Pretty, too! 🙂


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I’m Natalie Rizzo, an NYC-based Registered Dietitian.

My mission is to help everyday athletes fuel their fitness with plants.

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