How To Eat To Beat Disease

Greenletes / Sports Nutrition / How To Eat To Beat Disease

Learn about the body’s five defense systems that work together to fight against disease.

This week on the podcast, Natalie welcomes back Ginger Hultin, MS, RDN from Seattle-based integrative nutrition practice, Champagne Nutrition. Natalie and Ginger chat about her new book How To Eat To Beat Disease. 

Ginger specializes in vegetarian and plant-based diets, ketogenic diets, oncology nutrition, supplements, alcohol and health, and nutrigenomics. 

Ginger Hultin headshot

As a nationally recognized media Registered Dietitian and nutrition and health writer, Ginger authored the book Anti-Inflammatory Diet Meal Prep in 2020. In addition to all of that, Ginger serves as adjunct clinical faculty at the Bayster Center for Natural Health teaching master’s level nutrition students. 

In this episode

In this episode, Ginger discusses the body’s 5 defense systems and the role they play in disease prevention. We do a deep dive into:

  • the immune system, how it works and foods that strengthen it
  • the microbiome and foods that feed the good bacteria in the gut
  • DNA health
  • stem cells and the role they play on overall health
  • angiogenesis– what it means and how it helps the body fight against disease


To hear more from Ginger, listen to episode #2 about Nutrigenomics
Get Ginger’s book (affiliate link): How To Eat To Beat Disease
Follow Ginger on social media @champagnenutrition and visit her website:

And don’t forget to follow @greenletes  and visit

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I’m Natalie Rizzo, an NYC-based Registered Dietitian.

My mission is to help everyday athletes fuel their fitness with plants.

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