Elizabeth (Liz) Shaw is a nationally known nutrition expert and owns a nutrition
communications business and private practice in California. Liz has been a dietitian for
over 10 years, an adjunct professor for over 7 years and is a certified personal trainer.
She is a four-time author, with titles including the Instant Pot Cookbook For Dummies,
Air Fryer Cookbook For Dummies, Fertility Foods Cookbook, and the Stress-Free IVF
Nutrition Guide!
A guest on local and national television, she serves as a spokesperson
for many different agencies, discussing the importance of food and nutrition as key
players in leading a healthy life through sound, evidenced based nutrition. You’ll also
see Liz frequently quoted as a national nutrition expert in the news for publications such
as Prevention, Oxygen Magazine, Shape, and others.
In this episode
We recognize National Infertility Awareness Week and chat with Registered Dietitian and fertility expert Liz Shaw. After sharing her own struggles with fertility, Liz answers questions about nutrition and fitness and how they impact fertility. Natalie and Liz discuss:
- Why infertility isn’t always talked about
- Whether or not it’s actually possible to “increase fertility” with food or exercise
- Does being vegan or vegetarian or restricting food groups impact fertility?
- Does running have an impact on fertility?
- Misconceptions around fertility or IVF
- Are there any special dietary considerations for someone going through IVF?
- Nutrition considerations for someone going through an egg retrieval
- Whether or not pineapple can make you more fertile
- Follow Liz on Instagram @shawsimpleswaps and visit her blog, Shaw’s Simple Swaps.
- Check out the Stress Free IVF guide!
- Follow Natalie @greenletes or visit www.greenletes.com
- Runner’s World article about fat
- RESOLVE Support Groups