Plant-based eating is one of the hottest trends among athletes right now. Many pro athletes swear by this diet. You probably found this page because you’re looking for more info on fueling your fitness with plants. You’re in luck! As a plant-based Sports Dietitian,...
7 weird symptoms that may be a sign of an iron deficiency, according to a vegetarian dietitian
I've been a vegetarian for more than a decade, and I've struggled with iron deficiency anemia throughout that time, due to an underlying condition. Iron deficiency is not a given for vegetarians, but it is common. If you think you may be iron deficient, ask your...
How To Eat Plant-Based On A Budget
Many people think eating plants is expensive. After all, a small container of berries can cost upward of $5. But plant-based foods are also some of the most affordable and healthy items on store shelves. A simple potato or can of beans costs less than $1 and can serve...
This vegetarian meal plan has 100+ grams of protein to help you build muscle
Protein is an important macronutrient that helps keep you full, contributes to muscle growth and aids in weight loss efforts. If you don’t eat enough protein, you may feel extra hungry and crave sugary foods. And without proper planning, you may eat less protein than...
9 Best Meat Substitutes That Will Help You Stick To A Plant-Based Diet
Eating a plant-based diet is becoming more and more popular, especially among athletes who want to feel healthier and thrive in their sport. But those who are new to plant-based eating or want to reduce their meat consumption struggle to find ways to replace the meat...
3 Supplements Plant-Based Athletes Need (And 4 To Stop Wasting Money On)
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes Table of contentsWhen do you need a supplement?What to look for in a supplementNutrients that you may not be getting on a plant-based dietVitamin DOmega-3Vitamin B12Supplements athletes don’t need“Pre-workouts”Branched-chain amino...
7 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies For Plant-Based Athletes
Seven nutrients that plant-based athletes may not get enough of – and RD approved tips to prevent nutrient deficiencies. Table of contentsWhat is a plant-based diet?The benefits of plant-based eating for athletesCan athletes get enough nutrients on a plant-based...
15 Vegetarian (And Vegan) Summer Party Recipes
These amazingly healthy vegetarian and vegan recipes use summer ingredients, like corn, watermelon, peaches, cherries, berries & more. The supermarket shelves are stocked with corn, watermelon, peaches, cherries, nectarines and fresh berries. That can only mean...
9 Healthy Nut & Seed Butters with Plant-Based Protein
Nut and seeds butters are usually on the grocery list of every plant-based eater. They are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, and they are also packed with protein. And don’t let the word “butter” fool you. Nut and seed butters contain just nuts and seasonings and are...
How To Build the Perfect Plant-Based Bowl
Follow this simple 5-step formula to create a healthy vegan bowl with plenty of protein and flavor in 30-minutes or less. As a plant-based eater and Registered Dietitian, one of my go-to dinners (and lunches) is a vegan bowl. Not only are plant-based bowls easy to...
10 Reasons You’re Always Tired On A Plant-Based Diet
An RD shares 10 reasons you’re tired on a plant-based diet and simple ways to fix each issue, including the best plant-based foods for energy. One of the most common complaints I hear from plant-based athletes is that they feel tired all the time. Many athletes and...
How To Beat The Bloat On A Plant-Based Diet
Common causes of gas and bloating on a plant-based diet, plus RD-approved tips for banishing bloat for good. If you’re wondering how to beat the bloat on a plant-based diet, rest assured that you’re not alone. Plant-based foods are full of fiber [Related: 12 high...
Why Endurance Athletes Need Probiotics
Everything endurance athletes need to know about probiotics. What are the benefits of taking a probiotic and how to choose the right supplement? Table of contentsWhat are probiotics?What are the benefits of probiotics for athletes? Foods with probioticsHow...
Is There a Link Between Gut Health and Athletic Performance?
A break down of all things gut health - why gut health is important, what foods are good and bad for gut health, and the relationship between the gut and exercise. Gut health has become a trending topic in the nutrition and fitness world. And with good reason, since...
The top 10 healthiest winter foods to boost your immune system and fight inflammation
This list of 10 dietitian-approved superfoods is nutritious and packed with infllamtion-fighting antioxidants. I can’t believe another fall has officially come to an end! While I am sad to say goodbye to the warmer weather, I love the holidays and all the hearty and...
The Runners Guide to Fueling for Long Runs
Learn how to fuel long training runs so you're properly nourished on race day. By Tamar Kane (Reviewed by Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD) This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything from this post, we will receive a small commission. If you’re a runner,...
12 Best Energy Bars For Before & After A Workout
This list of 12 bars provides options for before and after a workout, as well as all day snacking! This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase anything from this post, we will receive a small commission. There are an overwhelming amount of energy bars on store...
9 Unique Plant-Based Trader Joe’s Items
You're going to want to try all of these unique plant-based foods from Trader Joe's, from chocolate hummus to dehydrated broccoli florets. I went to Trader Joe's and picked out 9 plant-based products that I think you should try! Each item on the list is delicious and...
How To Eat Plant-Based When Everyone Around You Eats Meat
Eating plant-based when everyone around you eats animal products can be tough. These tips will help you maintain your plant-based diet in an animal based world. If you recently started a plant-based diet, chances are you may be tackling this diet change alone. After...
How I Manage My Iron Levels with Base
My journey with iron and Vitamin B12 deficiency and how at-home lab testing keeps my iron levels at an optimal range. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Base. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible. Since I’m a Registered Dietitian, many...
Is Sugar Bad For Athletes?
In Episode 4 of the Greenletes Podcast, we discuss all things sugar and whether or not it's bad for athletes. Get the inside scoop on sugar from nutrition expert and author of Sugar Shock, Samantha Cassetty. Sugar is a divisive topic. Some people think you shouldn't...
The Role of Nutrition for Pro Athletes
In Episode 3 of the Greenletes Podcast, nationally recognized Sports Dietitian Marie Spano chats about what it's like to work with pro athletes. This week on the podcast, Natalie interviews Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD, one of the country’s leading sports...
Why (and How) I Became A Plant-Based Athlete
In the intro episode of the Greenletes Podcast, Sports RD Natalie Rizzo shares why and how she became a vegetarian and plant-based athlete. I’m Natalie, an NYC based RD, specializing in sports nutrition. In my 20’s, I changed careers to become a Registered Dietitian...
How To Add More Leafy Greens Into Your Plant-Based Diet
7 sneaky ways to add more leafy greens to your diet. A full list of the most nutritious greens to add to smoothies, soups, dips and sauces! By Shuhan Wen, Reviewed by Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD Eating your leafy greens sounds like a painful task. After all, who wants to...
12 plant-based calcium foods that will help you build strong bones on a vegan diet
These 12 healthy plant-based foods are high in calcium. Include these vegan sources of calcium in your diet for strong bones! From a young age, you've been taught that calcium is synonymous with dairy. And while that’s true, you can still get calcium in a plant-based...
10 Cookbooks for Plant-Based Athletes
These 10 cookbooks for plant-based athletes are full of healthy and easy recipes! Searching for a gift for the plant-based athlete in your life? Or maybe you're a plant-based athlete and want more recipe inspiration? These cookbooks are geared toward athletes, and...
Everything Athletes Need To Know About The Menstrual Cycle
What to eat (and avoid) during each phase of the menstrual cycle. The best foods for PMS symptoms & foods that make symptoms worse. By Lydia Carron, MS, RD Table of contentsPhases of the menstrual cycle Follicular Phase EstrogenFollicle-Stimulating Hormone...
Vegan Marathon Diet: How to Fuel for Training and Race Day
A comprehensive guide to fueling before, during and after a half marathon. Plant-based foods that will help you PR in your next race and foods to avoid! Preparing for a marathon is no easy task. Not only is training important for performance, but so is nutrition. ...
How Athletes Can Get Plenty of Protein On A Meat-Free Diet
This blog post is sponsored by Quorn. Thanks for supporting the brands that make this blog possible! Many athletes are leaning into the meatless diet trend. Whether that means reducing your intake of meat or cutting it out completely, going plant-based has...
12 Best Recovery Foods For Vegetarian Athletes
The ultimate list of the 10+ best post-workout vegetarian meals for athletes. These foods have the right mixture of nutrients to help you recover faster and gain muscle. Did you know that what you eat after a workout is just as important as what you eat before a...
12 High Fiber Foods For Athletes
The 12 best high fiber foods that you should eat after a tough training session. I love the “f word”. Fiber, that is! When asked about healthy foods, I almost always recommend foods that have plenty of fiber. After all, fiber is the nutrient that helps keep you...
The 12 Best Vegan Iron Sources To Prevent A Deficiency
Eat these vegan foods that are high in iron to avoid an iron deficiency on a plant-based diet. The most absorbable form of iron comes from animals, so vegans and vegetarians need to pay close attention to their iron sources. Plenty of foods contain plant-based iron,...
10 Vegan & Vegetarian Sources of Vitamin B12
The ultimate list of vegan and vegetarian foods that are a good source of Vitamin B12. Don't miss out on this crucial nutrient. Vitamin B12 is one of those nutrients that isn't really on your radar unless you're a vegan or vegetarian. It’s in meat and eggs, so most...
Is Tofu Good For You?
What is tofu and is it good for you? Find out how to use tofu in cooking and whether or not you should limit your soy intake. Have you ever looked at a block of tofu and thought, "What exactly is tofu?". Or maybe you know it has a ton of protein but are worried that...
How to Build Muscle As A Vegetarian
You don't need to eat meat to build muscle and get strong. Follow these 9 simple suggestions to increase your muscle protein synthesis and build lean body mass on a vegetarian diet. It’s a common misconception that it is difficult to build muscle on a vegetarian diet....
Everything You Need To Know About Protein Powders
The ultimate guide to protein powders for athletes. Find out if you really need a protein shake before or after a workout to gain muscle! Protein powders are a convenient option for plant-based athletes. But there are some things you need to consider when choosing...
I’m Natalie Rizzo, an NYC-based Registered Dietitian.
My mission is to help everyday athletes fuel their fitness with plants.