Diets and weight loss

Greenletes / Sports Nutrition / Diets and weight loss
Should Endurance Athletes Try The Ketogenic Diet?

Should Endurance Athletes Try The Ketogenic Diet?

The keto diet may help manage appetite and result in weight loss, but it can severely impair athletic performance. Here's what you need to know before eating a high-fat diet. Maybe you’ve heard of a friend or fellow athlete who tried the keto diet and loved it....

6 Healthy Tips For Runners To Lose Weight

6 Healthy Tips For Runners To Lose Weight

This essential guide to running for weight loss will help you burn calories in a healthy way. Set realistic goals to lose weight and train properly. So you’ve established a running schedule that works for your body and your goals. You’re feeling great, and moving most...

How To Fuel If You’re Gluten Free

How To Fuel If You’re Gluten Free

“Gluten-free” is a phrase that has spread like wildfire over the last few years, and it’s often used to market packaged foods (spoiler alert--gluten-free oreos are not any healthier!). For athletes, going gluten-free may seem impossible since so many fueling carbs...

I’m Natalie Rizzo, an NYC-based Registered Dietitian.

My mission is to help everyday athletes fuel their fitness with plants.

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